
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More Ex Post Facto Law From The Dear Leader

In another unconstitutional play, Obama is planning to push another punitive tax. Another ex post facto punitive law. Oil companies face an immediate tax rise of 1 cent per barrel to help to pay for the clean-up in the Gulf of Mexico under proposed legislation rushed out by the White House yesterday.
That cost will, of course, be passed to consumers not the oil companies themselves. And what about after the clean up? Will the tax be removed? Just like the tolls you pay to cross the George Washington Bridge into Manhattan, the bridge has cost of the bridge was paid back years ago, but the toll keeps rising. Once a scheme is in place to bring revenue into the federal government, it stays in place due to the bureaucracy built up to administer the new revenue. We can't put those people out of work, now can we?
This is only the beginning. These environmental taxes will continue to be levied, without a vote in congress, through powers granted to the EPA through regulations.

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