
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Calderon and all of his American Democrat supporters can just kiss my ass.

MEXICO VS. UNITED STATES: MEXICAN IMMIGRATION LAWS ARE TOUGHER « FactReal - be sure to click on the link to see Mexico's Law-hat tip to Jeff Doke

Calderon and all of his American Democrat supporters can just kiss my ass. I am embarrassed that he was not only allowed to make his anti-Arizona remarks, but also cheered on by the Democrats in Congress and the President of the United States. Obviously, he's a lot like our current bunch of idiots who criticize and misrepresent laws they haven't read, since it appears that he's never read the immigration laws of his own country. He has the gall to tell Arizona that the law is bad. Well, of course it is for him and Mexico since Billions of US Dollars flow from the USA through the illegal immigrants to the Mexican economy every year. Why else is there a Mexican equivalent of Western Union on every street corner in cities with high numbers of illegals?
I am embarrassed by our president and his flagrant disregard for the laws of the United States of America, The Constitution of These United States and the Sovereignty of the State of Arizona. This is supposed to be a country of laws; laws that apply to all, equally, not a country of whimsy. This president and his constant stream of apologies to dictators and tyrants is an embarrassment to the American People. He needs to "grow a pair" and stand up for the men and women of this country, put America and her interests above everything, including his own interests. He better do it soon, because we, as a people are growing weary of tyranny.

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