
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Friday, May 14, 2010

The nanny state is growing

There is now a bill before Congress, introduced by Rep Ron Kind (D-WI), to monitor the Body Mass Index of all American children between the ages of 2-18 to stem the rate of obesity in children. Or so they say. More nanny state regulation is all this amounts to.
People no longer even want to be personally responsible for their, or their own children's health. They want the state to take over that function for them.
This bill would also move the nutritional information box from the back or side of a a package to the front, so it can be seen while you scan the shelves. I assume because any consumer is too stupid to pick up a box of cereal or can of beans, turn it around and read the nutritional information and make a choice of whether to buy it or not. Does anyone read the nutritional information now? I doubt that the people in question either read or understand any of that information as it is. So what does moving it to the front do for you? It reduces advertising space for the manufacturer of the product. We wouldn't want capitalism or profitability to get in the way of reading nutritional information, now would we.
I suppose that this new bill will allow for some sort of financial penalty for parents of obese children. This penalty will likely be waived by those below the poverty line (who also have the highest incidence of childhood obesity) and will only be another tool of the Marxist regime's wealth redistribution scheme.

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