
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A little perspective on Scott Brown

Earlier today on a social network (Facebook) a friend of a friend made the comment that Scott Brown's vote on the $15 Billion Dollar "jobs" bill wasn't that bad, since it's "only 15 Billion". Here's a little perspective on 15 Billion:

"Fifteen billion dollars ... This pile of money is 60 feet high, 150 feet long, and 62½ feet deep." source http://87billion.com/
Update: Just to put this in perspective, the new debt ceiling is $14.3 Trillion. Multiply the size of this pile of money by 953.3 and you will arrive at the debt that we now owe to other countries. That is until Obama's minions pass legislation to confiscate your 401(k) and IRA funds to buy Treasury Bonds from the Fed and monetize our debt.


  1. It's really nothing when compared to $787Billion, or $14.3 Trillion.

  2. Calling Scott Brown a conservative is like saying $15 Billion is "nothing".
