
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Thursday, April 1, 2010

GOP hopes repeal-the-bill fire won't burn them

GOP hopes repeal-the-bill fire won't burn them
Typical Big Government Left/ Right nonsense. It's like any other huge entitlement program that ultimately gives gov't more control, once enacted it's quickly forgotten about in Congress, and will never be repealed. Again, the BGM (Big Government Machine) has forced something on the people they don't want, make a big stink about it, then do nothing so as not to rock the boat. They have granted themselves so much more power than our Founders ever intended and they will never relinquish that power without a fight. They count on the modern ADDAA (Attention Deficit Disorder Afflicted American) forgetting the details in a few weeks. The typical ADDAA has already watched an episode of "Lost" and is more concerned about Locke's dream than what the BGM is doing to them economically.
It's no longer Left vs Right, it's us vs them. The BGM is now almost entirely the sort of gov't that the Founders fought against to win their freedom. Only difference, the Founders were fighting someone who believed he had a Birthright to the Throne.....hmmmm, Clintons? Bushes? Kennedys? and now much to my own chagrin Pauls? Maybe there is no difference. Tyranny is Tyranny.

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