
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mayor Bloomberg slams Arizona's anti-immigrant law: 'We are committing national suicide'

Mayor Bloomberg slams Arizona's anti-immigrant law: 'We are committing national suicide'
"This is not good for the country. I don't agree with it," he said. "We love immigrants here."- Mayor Bloomberg
Immigrants, yes! Illegal immigrants, not so much. Quit the race baiting BS. Illegal is not a Race. Try to enter any other country in the world illegally and see what happens. Most countries will arrest and deport you at minimum, some will imprison you and some will even execute you.
We have the most lax immigration enforcement in the world. We are spending money on social programs and education for illegals and those systems are stretched beyond their means. We have lost our sovereignty and the liberals don't think we go far enough to protect the poor, down trodden immigrants. They ignore the fact that by definition if you are in this country illegally, you are a felon.
Bloomberg, you are a moron.

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