
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sanitation workers selfishly slowed down the cleanup - NYPOST.com

Sanitation workers selfishly slowed down the cleanup - NYPOST.com

Will the State of New York be bringing charges of manslaughter against the Union bosses? There were several deaths attributed to the inability of ambulances to pick up sick and injured people due to the street blockages. In one case a child died in a lobby of an apartment building, where the mother waited 9 hours for an ambulance.
Unions? What are they good for? Nothing.
Obama coddled the unions to get elected and acts as if they are a godsend to the working class. I suppose they will actually be the death of us all, if this is they way they handle themselves.

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