
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Marshal Law On It's Way?

Clyburn says that Republicans are "Aiding and abetting terrorism" against Democrats.
This country is more deeply divided, left against right, than I have seen in my lifetime. It reminds me of what I have studied about the social and economic divisions that lead up to the War Between the States. There was nothing Civil about it, which is why I never refer to it as such.
There are many conspiracy theories out there that the president, through executive orders, is attempting to take dictatorial control of the USA. Executive order 11490 gives the President complete control of the gov't and the citizens during time of National Emergency. We are currently under a state of emergency, as declared by the president, on October 25, 2009 because of the swine flu outbreak. That order was never recinded.
Are we being misled about these "threats" of violence against Democrats? Will this just become the necessary catalyst to declare Marshal Law?
Hitler turned democratic Germany into his Nazi Dictatorship through executive orders. Not to say this is what is in store for the USA, but it is certainly one possibility.

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